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What’s the difference between leadership and management?

Leadership vs Management, who wins in a fight? The terms.. Read more

Four steps to changing the world

How to change the world: Step One. 1. Be Frustrated. .. Read more

Not all difficult conversations are the same.

Not all difficult conversation are the same. Do you know the difference?

One of the key things to understand about difficult conversations is they come in three forms and if we get the form wrong, the conversation session can go extremely badly.

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Tag: Leadership

Do you want compliance or commitment?

April 12, 2016 Benjamin Drury

Compliance is not the same as commitment! Compliant people wait to do what they’re told. Then they do precisely what (they think) they were told and no more. They need lots of managing and reams of procedures to get the ‘best’ (or maybe most) out of them. Committed people do what needs to be done. They don’t need telling, they.. Read more

The greatest leader in history?

November 26, 2015 Benjamin Drury

I’ve been re-reading a book (Shackleton’s Way) that explores Sir Ernest Shackleton’s amazing and aptly named Endurance Expedition. Perhaps the greatest heroic failure in history. The Endurance expedition never made it’s goal.

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