In the Midlands there is a toll road. A motorway that charges £6.40 to skip the traffic. £6.40 to by-pass 27 miles of heavily congested M6 motorway around Birmingham. Over 50,000 vehicles use the road every week day. What would make you take the toll road? What would make you turn off the M6 and pay the price for skipping.. Read more
I’ve lost count of the number of emails I’ve had from clients saying they can’t look at culture now, they’re too busy solving problems and fire fighting. Dealing with issues and people that need immediate attention. The thing is, if your take time out to define, article and implement the right culture, most of those problems go away. If you.. Read more
It’s that time of year again when we look forward twelve months and imagine what our life could be like. We resolve to change and be better, be fitter, work harder, achieve more, love more often, etc., etc. But according to research 92%* of us will fail. Here’s why and how to fix it! 1. People set resolutions not goals.. Read more