If you haven’t been watching the Paris Olympics over the last three weeks, where the hell have you been. I’ve been riveted. So many great moments. The GB women’s quad skulls winning on the last stroke, the Turkish ‘hit-man’ nonchalently winning silver in the pistol shooting with his hand in his pocket; the emotion of the three women cyclists after winning gold.. Read more
How do you feel today? We pay for the emotion of watching our team play. We pay for the emotion of attending a great festival. Sharing incredible moments with our community. We buy things because of how they make us feel. Clothes that increase our confidence. We listen to podcasts and music to feel – angry, excited, joy, pride, gratitude, relief, contentment… Read more
The opposite of capitalism is not socialism or communism it’s community and relationship. Capitalism = transactional. If I have enough money I can get what I want, even if I’m an ar$ehole. It doesn’t matter how unpleasant I am as a human, if I have the bank balance, I get what I want. That’s how capitalism works because it is purely transactional. We.. Read more