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Not all difficult conversations are the same.

Not all difficult conversation are the same. Do you know the difference?

One of the key things to understand about difficult conversations is they come in three forms and if we get the form wrong, the conversation session can go extremely badly.

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Benjamin Drury - April 18, 2023

Looking for balance in debates

We appear to be in an era where it’s tough to dig through the nonsense and find the truth. Part of the reason for this is that the conversation is not balanced.

It’s not balanced to have a reputable educated peer-reviewed professor on one side of the debate and a high school educated conspiracy theorist on the other just because he believes the opposite.

A balanced debate would require equally qualified individuals on either side, to argue the merits and impacts of the facts of a case, and to give opinions based on knowledge and real depth of insight into the subject.

If you can’t find equally experienced, qualified and respected individuals that existed on both sides of a debate, perhaps there really is no debate.

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