The heart building a culture in your organization is your values. Your cultural values. The bottom line principles that are non-negotiable. The beliefs and ideals that make you well, you. The things that you will not compromise on to do business your way. The thing is, it’s easy to have principles and stand by values when times are good. It’s.. Read more
I’ve lost count of the number of emails I’ve had from clients saying they can’t look at culture now, they’re too busy solving problems and fire fighting. Dealing with issues and people that need immediate attention. The thing is, if your take time out to define, article and implement the right culture, most of those problems go away. If you.. Read more
Ok, so it’s not entirely bad business to think of the money. Businesses need to make money. In fact, businesses that don’t make money won’t last very long. Nor is there anything fundamentally wrong with people being paid well for working hard to build a great business; it makes good business sense to reward talented staff and trusting investors. It’s.. Read more
Every organisation has a purpose? It absolutely does have one. Every organisation has a reason why they gather people to a place of work and pay them to do something. Even if you’ve not thought about it. Even if it’s never been articulated or written down. Even if it’s never mentioned in the office, your organisation has a purpose. There.. Read more