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We’re living in a time of constant change, where each.. Read more

What’s in the fridge?

My house is lived in. We are a busy family.. Read more

How sports and letter writing can change your life.

Many elite athletes regularly use visualization techniques as a crucial.. Read more

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Tag: purpose

No More Fear!

March 18, 2019 Benjamin Drury

Everyone has dreams, creativity, under used talent, unfulfilled potential beyond what other (and even they themselves) can see. You have life busting inside of you to get out.  You have things on your heart to do, that you wish you had the time or resources to do.    But you’re too busy; or it’s not the right time; or you don’t.. Read more

Set your own standard.

March 7, 2019 Benjamin Drury

Together – Stop Hating

February 5, 2019 Benjamin Drury

Like a phone network with a single phone, on our own we are meaningless. There is no point. But together with others, in relationship, we gain our meaning, our purpose, our life. As a global people, our thinking and our hearts need to move from “I am everything, they are nothing” to “I am nothing, WE are everything!” I am.. Read more

Stop fire fighting so you can stop fire fighting.

January 7, 2019 Benjamin Drury

I’ve lost count of the number of emails I’ve had from clients saying they can’t look at culture now, they’re too busy solving problems and fire fighting. Dealing with issues and people that need immediate attention. The thing is, if your take time out to define, article and implement the right culture, most of those problems go away. If you.. Read more

Money is like gasoline!

November 30, 2018 Benjamin Drury

Heroes of Culture: Henry v

April 24, 2018 Benjamin Drury

Peter Ducker famously once said that “culture eats strategy for breakfast”, but while he might have been the first to say it, he probably wasn’t the first to realise it, since Henry V managed to build an awesome organisational culture more than 500 years before the phrase was first coined. On 25th October 1415 (Saint Crispin’s Day) Henry’s army took.. Read more

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