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How sports and letter writing can change your life.

Many elite athletes regularly use visualization techniques as a crucial.. Read more

It doesn’t matter how able you are, unless your vis-able.

You can be the greatest artist in history, but if.. Read more

Do you want your competition to succeed?

If you haven’t been watching the Paris Olympics over the.. Read more

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Tag: people

Are all problems people problems?

Are all problems people problems?

June 27, 2024 Benjamin Drury

Are all problems really just people problems? Not enough clients? Problem with people not knowing about you, or not connecting with what you offer. Product quality issues? People who make your product not caring enough to deliver a good product. Regulatory issues? People who went before operating nefariously so more monitoring required. Project overtime/over budget? People not defining the work.. Read more

The Modern Capitalism Equation

February 28, 2022 Benjamin Drury

In modern capitalism, capital is more important than people. The balance sheet is more important than the health and quality of life of employees or communities.

Poor culture is costing businesses over £23.6 Billion!

March 16, 2020 Benjamin Drury

One third of Britains leave their job because of poor company culture.* However, over half the CEOs surveyed from SMEs in the UK thought that company culture was just ‘nice to have’ in their business rather and an imperative part of productivity, success and revenue growth. A ten year study by John Cotter and James Heskett demonstrated that a company.. Read more

It all comes down to people!

June 17, 2019 Benjamin Drury

Thought for the day: People are just trying to get through life with the most peace and joy and enrichment and least stress, pain and anguish. Rich, poor; young, old; black, white, Asian – everyone just wants to feel good and valuable and meaningful, we just have different ideas about what will accomplish that and how to go about it… Read more

Stop calling Human Resources Human Resources!

December 10, 2018 Benjamin Drury

Simply put Humans are not resources.  They are the emotional, non linear, non logical, brilliant, innovative, intelligent, wayward, frustrating, selfish, selfless core value in your organisation. To think of them as a simple resource or cost on your balance sheet will not get the best out of them. It will not help you think of them in the right way.. Read more

Culture Truth #6 – Measure and reward the right things!

October 1, 2018 Benjamin Drury

If your remuneration and incentives are all geared towards individual reward, then who’s going to co-operate? If they are all directed at delivering the monthly sales numbers, will anyone act for the longer term goals? If you focus your strategy on increasing client numbers can you ensure your customer service values will be met? If you measure working hours, but.. Read more

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