
Sh*t happens to the shift happens.

“Sh*t happens so the shift happens.”

Jen Gottlieb

And this quote from Jen Gottlieb, sums it up. 

Jen is an entrepreneur from New York and the founder of branding company Super Connector Media.   

I heard her speak at a conference in Gateshead earlier this year and like most successful entrepreneurs, her journey to running a successful agency was not an easy or straight forward ride.  

One thing she did understand though is that you can’t always control what happens to you, what you can control, though, is how you frame it and how you respond. 

So when sh*t happened she looked at it as and opportunity to reevaluate, check herself and figure out whether anything needed changing.  And when necessary she made the shift.  

And a big part of her success was down to this approach.

So when sh*t happens, take it as an opportunity to stop and review things.  Maybe something needs to change. 

Or to put it another way, when life gives you lemons, don’t just make lemonade, take a minute to decide if you want lemonade or margaritas or lemon cheesecake!  

Benjamin Drury, The Culture Guy ®
Benjamin Drury, The Culture Guy ®
Keynote Speaker: Company Culture & Leadership | Creating High-Performance Workplace Cultures | Culture Strategist, Coach & Author.

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