We’re living in a time of constant change, where each day brings more uncertainty than the last. It makes you wonder:
How do we find peace of mind for ourselves while also building a society that benefits everyone? And what do we do when those two goals clash?
Epicureanism taught us to seek simple pleasures and avoid unnecessary desires for a more peaceful life.
Skepticism encouraged us to question everything, embracing doubt and critical thinking in uncertain times.
Stoicism pushed us to focus on virtue, rational thinking, and resilience, reminding us to stay strong and moral even when the world challenges us.
And the classical philosophers (Plato, Aristotle) asked how the state and economy could be best organized to ensure the well-being of all citizens.
Fast forward to today: are we willing to take responsibility for creating a society that promotes the common good, or are we more focused on our personal peace of mind, distanced from the larger social responsibilities?
The real challenge is choosing between engaging in collective change or focusing on personal tranquility, because solving that could be the key to solving everything else.