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What’s the difference between leadership and management?

Leadership vs Management, who wins in a fight? The terms.. Read more

Four steps to changing the world

How to change the world: Step One. 1. Be Frustrated. .. Read more

Not all difficult conversations are the same.

Not all difficult conversation are the same. Do you know the difference?

One of the key things to understand about difficult conversations is they come in three forms and if we get the form wrong, the conversation session can go extremely badly.

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Is your business plan too small?

May 24, 2021 Benjamin Drury

When I was 16 years old, I went to spend three weeks in Wales on an outward bound course doing things like hiking the hills, swimming in freezing lakes and carrying logs round assault courses. While it doesn’t sound much fun, and to be fair some parts of it weren’t, I had a great time, learnt a lot, made some.. Read more

Do you want compliance or committment?

April 24, 2021 Benjamin Drury

Compliance is not the same as commitment! Compliant people wait to do what they’re told. Then they do precisely what (they think) they were told and no more. They need lots of managing and reams of procedures to get the ‘best’ (or maybe most) out of them. Committed people do what needs to be done. They don’t need telling, they.. Read more

What the hell do you do all day?

April 24, 2021 Benjamin Drury

If we want to succeed in business we need clarity and consistency. We need to be clear about what we’re doing, so we know what to focus on and also what to avoid. We need consistency to constantly remind ourselves and our teams of what we are doing, because life is noisy and messy and distractions abound. So this morning.. Read more

Choose a different metric.

March 8, 2021 Benjamin Drury

This is Part 2 – Read Part 1 of our five part series The great thing about moving to a more fluid rather than a balanced operating model (see last week’s post) is that it frees up a company from having to do the management heavy task of accounting for and controlling people’s time (the hours they “buy”) and they can allow.. Read more

Are you a leader or a controller?

January 18, 2021 Benjamin Drury

So many leaders in organisations today are just glorified controllers. They don’t lead people they control people. They get people to do what they want through control. True leaders inspire. True leaders attract people who want to follow. They have no need to control. They respect and gather people who want to be part of the vision they are building… Read more

It’s too late to fight when the alarm goes off.

October 5, 2020 Benjamin Drury

Do you ever wake up in the morning when the alarm goes off and hit snooze? Do you ever wake up and sigh, thinking I really can’t beer bothered, then turn over and go back to sleep? Whatever you have planned can wait. Just another five minutes; another half an hour. You really need more sleep. You are not alone,.. Read more

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